6 Novembris 2024
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Nezināmas izcelsmes radioaktivitāte mērīta laika posmā no 9. līdz 12. septembrim pierobežā. Līmeņi ir ļoti zemi un nerada risku cilvēkiem vai videi. Radioaktivitāte tika mērīta filtros Viksjøfjell un Svanhovd septembra otrajā nedēļā.
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Sweden and Finland have agreed that Sweden will be the frame work nation for the NATO Forward Land Forces construct in northern Finland. In practice: HQ staff will be permanent, forces will flow in if needed. Makes sense from a military and security policy perspectives
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Zviedrija paziņo par atbalsta paketi Ukrainai 440 miljonu dolāru apmērā
Leaders of the Russian opposition Yuliya Navalnaya and Vladimir Kara-Murza met the representatives of the foreign affairs committee during their visit to the parliament. Their message was clear: It is a view of the future without Putin. The view that one day Russia can be a free, peaceful and democratic state. nnThere are millions of people in Russia who oppose the completely reprehensible war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, it is important that the free world also sees this other Russia, which is not Putin's Russia. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, there is a different Russia beyond Putin2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Leaders of the Russian opposition Yuliya Navalnaya and Vladimir Kara-Murza met the representatives of the foreign affairs committee during their visit to the parliament. Their message was clear: It is a view of the future without Putin. The view that one day Russia can be a free, peaceful and democratic state. nnThere are millions of people in Russia who oppose the completely reprehensible war of aggression against Ukraine. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, it is important that the free world also sees this other Russia, which is not Putin's Russia. According to Navalnaya and Kara-Murza, there is a different Russia beyond Putin
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Greta Thunberg arrested at anti-Israel protest in Copenhagen
A cargo vessel carrying 20k tons of Russian ammonium nitrate (Beirut explosion was from 2.7kt) has sought refuge under unclear circumstances in Tromsø, N Norway. Police is investigating and has ordered the ship to leave. 6 hours ago a navy frigate docked alongside the ship2 mēnesis atpakaļ
A cargo vessel carrying 20k tons of Russian ammonium nitrate (Beirut explosion was from 2.7kt) has sought refuge under unclear circumstances in Tromsø, N Norway. Police is investigating and has ordered the ship to leave. 6 hours ago a navy frigate docked alongside the ship
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Norwegian Foreign Minister: I think it's clearer than ever that Netanyahu doesn't really want a ceasefire
US State Department Approves $1 Billion in Military Aid to Romania, Norway
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Russia records increase in Helsinki military activity after Finland joins NATO – Russian Foreign Ministry
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
MİT and Istanbul Police Department teams caught Mehnaz Omar, who allegedly operates at a responsible level in the Finnish structure of the terrorist organization PKK/KCK, in Istanbul.
Two Tu-95MS performed a flight over neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Two Tu-95MS performed a flight over neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
British Foreign Secretary: We are deeply concerned by Israel's decision to revoke the status of 8 Norwegian diplomats
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Danish police in Sweden and border controls. This is how Denmark wants to prevent Swedish gang criminals from committing crimes in the country. The recruitment of very young people scares politicians, according to researchers
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Several detained after the shootings around Stockholm ; The police are investigating the connection
Cellular network tower knocked down in Janakkala, Finland during Sat-Sun night. Stay cables cut
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Norway calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Somijas gaisa spēki šodien Rumānijā lidoja arī ar bumbvedējiem B-52 Stratofortress. F/A-18 un F-16 iznīcinātāji pavadīja B-52 Rumānijas gaisa telpā. Bumbvedēji, kas lidoja cauri Somijai, pa ceļam trenējās kopā ar sabiedrotajiem
Three USAF tankers returning from mission over Finland. Rumored to refuel B-52s from Barksdale. Report from Russian MOD that it detected two B-52 bombers over the Barents Sea3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Three USAF tankers returning from mission over Finland. Rumored to refuel B-52s from Barksdale. Report from Russian MOD that it detected two B-52 bombers over the Barents Sea
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Prezidents Zelenskis ar Dānijas premjerministru Metu Frederiksenu pārrunāja Ukrainas pilotu apmācību
3 mēnesis atpakaļ
Finnish flight controllers at Helsinki-Vantaa had to reroute traffic due Russian planes - likely military and over Gulf of Finland ignoring civilian flights. Rerouting announced on Finnair flight inbound to Helsinki from Hamburg a bit before landing. Auths not commenting yet.
NATO representatives have expressed concern over Russia's actions in the NorthSea over the potential mining of critical Western infrastructure. Russian ships reportedly performed as many as a thousand suspicious manoeuvres
NATO's defense ministers have given support to the Multi Corps Land Component Command (MCLCC) and the proposed presence of land forces (FLF) in Finland
4 mēnesis atpakaļ
Denmark detains Russian citizen suspected of aiding foreign intelligence
4 mēnesis atpakaļ
Russian military plane suspected of violating Finnish airspace
5 mēnesis atpakaļ
Denmark PM Mette Frederiksen left shocked after being attacked in the street in Copenhagen, her office says
Ukraina parakstīja drošības līgumu ar Norvēģiju5 mēnesis atpakaļ
Ukraina parakstīja drošības līgumu ar Norvēģiju
5 mēnesis atpakaļ
Ukraina un Islande parakstīja drošības līgumu
Zelenskis: Stokholmā kopā ar Zviedrijas premjerministru Ulfu Kristersonu esam parakstījuši līgumu par sadarbību drošības jomā5 mēnesis atpakaļ
Zelenskis: Stokholmā kopā ar Zviedrijas premjerministru Ulfu Kristersonu esam parakstījuši līgumu par sadarbību drošības jomā
Somijas ārlietu ministre @elinavaltonen šorīt NATO neformālajā ministru sanāksmē izklāstīja skaidras līnijas, pievienojot savu atbalstu aicinājumam sabiedrotajiem vienoties par procentuālo daļu no IKP atbalstam Ukrainai, lai līdzsvarotāk sadalītu atbildību.
5 mēnesis atpakaļ
Prezidents Zelenskis: Šodien Ukraina kļūs spēcīgāka, pateicoties mūsu principiālo un konsekvento sabiedroto atbalstam, kā arī jauniem drošības līgumiem. Šodien esmu Stokholmā uz trešo Ukrainas un Ziemeļeiropas samitu. Mūsu galvenās prioritātes ir nodrošināt vairāk pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmu Ukrainai, kopīgus aizsardzības nozares projektus un ieročus mūsu karotājiem, kā arī globālos centienus piespiest Krieviju noslēgt mieru. Esmu iecerējusi tikties ar Zviedrijas premjerministru Ulfu Kristersonu, Somijas prezidentu Aleksandru Stubu, Dānijas premjerministru Metu Frederiksenu, Norvēģijas premjerministru Jonasu Gēru Stēru un Islandes premjerministru Bjarni Benediktsonu. Mēs rīkosim sarunas gan samitā, gan divpusēji. Ukraina vienas dienas laikā parakstīs trīs drošības līgumus, izveidojot paredzamu un ilgtermiņa aizsardzības palīdzību un visaptverošu atbalstu. Mani uzņems arī Viņa Majestāte Zviedrijas karalis Kārlis XVI Gustavs un tiksies ar aizsardzības uzņēmumu pārstāvjiem