Nórsko daruje Ukrajine 8 lietadiel Leopard 2 a až 4 varianty podpory (inžinierstvo, mostná vrstva, obnova) a vyčlení 250 miliónov NOK na náhradné diely a muníciu
1 Rok Pred Nórska vláda navrhuje bezprecedentný podporný balík pre Ukrajinu: celkovo 75 miliárd NOK (6,83 miliardy EUR) počas 5 rokov (2023 – 2027). Plánované ročné platby vo výške približne 15 miliárd NOK
Norway says to buy 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks, to replace older versions
Fínsky prezident Sauli Niinistö sa v Kyjeve stretol s prezidentom Ukrajiny
Prezident Zelenskyj: Úprimne ďakujem vláde Švédska a @SwedishPM za nový balík vojenskej pomoci Ukrajine. CV90 IFV, samohybné húfnice Archer a NLAW ATGM sú silné zbrane, ktoré ukrajinská armáda potrebuje na oslobodenie našej krajiny od ruského votrelca. Spoločne k spoločnému víťazstvu
Europe's largest rare earths deposit discovered in Sweden: mining firm
Sweden can't meet Turkey's demands for NATO bid: PM
Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
1 Rok Pred State Department announces new sale of fighter jet missiles to Finland: 40 AIM 9X Block IIs, 4 AIM 9X Block II tactical guidance units; and 48 AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapons, (JSOW)
1 Rok Pred Ministri zahraničných vecí Estónska, Lotyšska, Litvy, Fínska, Islandu, Nórska a Sweeen sú dnes v Kyjeve
NATO Secretary General: It's time for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance
1 Rok Pred NATO Sec Gen @jensstoltenberg addresses NATO PA: The time has come to finalize the accesion process of Finland and Sweden, they delivered all commitments
1 Rok Pred Helsinki: Fínska premiérka @MarinSanna hovorí, že kroky Ruska na Ukrajine „nezostanú nepotrestané" Poľský premiér @MorawieckiM – „musíme zasiahnuť Rusko tvrdšie, ako by sa dalo očakávať" Tiež poukazuje na rozšírenie NATO „my – ako formát V4 – sa budeme pýtať Viktor Orbán za rýchlu ratifikáciu"
Sweden prosecutor says sabotage confirmed at Nord Stream pipelines after explosives remains were found on the key energy facility
Finland's PM does not rule out nuclear weapons or permanent Nato bases in Finland - YLE
Norwegian authorities named the real identity of the fake "Brazilian researcher": his name is Mikhail Mikhushin, born 1978
Norway arrested a "Brazilian" university researcher at University of Tromso, who studied "hybrid threats". The catch He's a Russian spy, not a Brazilian professor
The Swedish Prime Minister confirms his readiness to visit Turkey to settle the issue of his country's accession to NATO
2 Rok Pred Swedish journalists got permission to image one of the Nord Stream explosion sites using an underwater drone (ROV)
Norway police say 6 Russians suspected of surveillance arrested last week
Airspace over Stavanger and Haugesund airports in Norway has been closed due to drone observations - VG
Russian man detained at the Norway border with 2 drones, 3 passports, and several GBs of footage filmed over Norwegian energy infrastructure
Ruské ministerstvo zahraničných vecí: Diplomati z Nemecka, Dánska a Švédska boli predvolaní kvôli haváriám plynovodu Nord Stream
Aukra mayor: there was a bomb threat against the gas plant. Official statement coming later
Norwegian police report an "unclarified situation" at the Ormen Lange gas facility which supplies about 20% of the UK's gas
Norway's police said that a "situation" at the Ormen Lange gas facility has been "clarified" and that a statement is due soon
Na dánskom ostrove Bornholm došlo dnes ráno od 8.10 h miestneho času k výpadku elektriny. Chyba v podmorskom kábli zo Švédska. Spúšťa sa miestna elektráreň
Nemecká kancelárka: Súhlasíme s tým, že ceny plynu sú veľmi vysoké a musíme hovoriť s Nórskom, Spojenými štátmi a ďalšími krajinami o tom, ako ceny znížiť
Swedish Security Service: Nord Stream Damaged From Detonations (Bloomberg) -Swedish Security Service has concluded the crime scene investigation at Nord Stream 1 and 2 and the suspicions of severe sabotage has been strengthened, it says in a statement