5 Октомври 2024
Russian bottom trawling back and forth repeatedly just on top of the main fiber optic internet cable between Svalbard and the Norwegian mainland4 месец назад
Russian bottom trawling back and forth repeatedly just on top of the main fiber optic internet cable between Svalbard and the Norwegian mainland
4 месец назад
Шведският министър на отбраната Пол Йонсон подкрепя използването от Украйна на шведски боеприпаси в Русия: „Украйна има право да се защитава чрез бойни действия, насочени към територията на противника, стига бойните действия да са в съответствие със законите на войната."
4 месец назад
Russia deploys aerostats near Finnish border
4 месец назад
Външният министър на Литва: В ход е още една руска хибридна операция, този път опит да се всее страх, несигурност и съмнение относно техните намерения в Балтийско море. Това е очевидна ескалация срещу НАТО и ЕС и трябва да бъде посрещнато с подходящ твърд отговор
4 месец назад
Prime Minister of Norway: We will officially recognize the Palestinian state
Big anti-Israel protest in Malmo, Sweden, ahead of the Eurovison contest tonight which features the Israeli singer Eden Golan4 месец назад
Big anti-Israel protest in Malmo, Sweden, ahead of the Eurovison contest tonight which features the Israeli singer Eden Golan
5 месец назад
Руското външно министерство: Ще считаме всеки ход на Дания за ограничаване на свободата на руските кораби като враждебен акт
5 месец назад
FinnAir: We're suspending our flights to Tartu from 29 April until May 31. The approach methods currently used at Tartu Airport are based on a GPS signal and GPS interference in the area affects the usability of this method
5 месец назад
Председателят на Европейската комисия обвинява Москва, че използва мигрантите като "инструмент" срещу Финландия
The old Børsen (stock exchange) building in Copenhagen which was under restoration has gone up in flames just now5 месец назад
The old Børsen (stock exchange) building in Copenhagen which was under restoration has gone up in flames just now
5 месец назад
The Saudi Foreign Minister discusses by telephone with his Norwegian counterpart the crisis in Gaza and efforts to contain it
6 месец назад
Finland Police: Shooting at a school in the city of Vantaa, in the south of the country
Drones sighted in south Sweden. Between 22 and 03 last night night large drones were reported over Malmö airport, inactive nuclear power plant Barsebäck, strategic port Ystad and hamlet Svedala. Police is investigating in cooperation with armed forces7 месец назад
Drones sighted in south Sweden. Between 22 and 03 last night night large drones were reported over Malmö airport, inactive nuclear power plant Barsebäck, strategic port Ystad and hamlet Svedala. Police is investigating in cooperation with armed forces
Швеция става 32-ият член на НАТО
7 месец назад
Two Russian Navy NFAF Tu-142 MPA completed a 12-hour OOA routine MARPAT, 041400Z MAR 24. Aircraft noted operating in the Norwegian Sea during the 0900Z hour & probably COND SURV of Ex Steadfast Defender activity
7 месец назад
Two B1B bombers have been deployed to an air base in northern Sweden, where they will cooperate not only with the Swedish armed forces, but with all allies in the region
7 месец назад
Two dead after a fire in Nässjö, according to the police; Homicide investigation started
7 месец назад
Унгария ратифицира кандидатурата на Швеция за НАТО
Датският премиер Фредериксен се среща с президента Зеленски в Лвов7 месец назад
Датският премиер Фредериксен се среща с президента Зеленски в Лвов
We don't agree on everything, Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will soon be allies. Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession7 месец назад
"We don't agree on everything," Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will "soon be allies." Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession
7 месец назад
Hungary to vote on Swedish NATO bid on Monday, says ruling party— AFP
7 месец назад
Finland Yle projection: Stubb to win presidential election. Stubb 51,4% Haavisto 48,6%
7 месец назад
Finland presidential election: Haavisto concedes defeat
Iceland declares state of emergency after volcano erupts for third time in 2 months8 месец назад
Iceland declares state of emergency after volcano erupts for third time in 2 months
8 месец назад
Финландското правителство удължава затварянето на границата с Руската федерация до 14 април - МВР
A volcano erupted on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula on Thursday, the third to hit the area since December, authorities say.8 месец назад
A volcano erupted on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula on Thursday, the third to hit the area since December, authorities say.
Volcano erupts on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula8 месец назад
Volcano erupts on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula
8 месец назад
Volcano erupts for the sixth time in less than three years on the Reykjanes peninsula near Iceland's capital, Reykjavik
8 месец назад
U.S. Ambassador to Hungary: Representatives of 16 NATO Allies attended today’s extraordinary session of Hungary’s Parliament to consider Sweden’s NATO accession. Not in attendance: a single member of Hungary’s ruling party
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote8 месец назад
Orbán’s MPs didn’t show up in Hungary’s parliament to vote on’s NATO accession - no quorum, no vote