6 七一 2024
乌克兰外籍人士 @DmytroKuleba 表示,芬兰加入北约在两年前是不可想象的,这表明现在是每个人重新考虑旧的安全概念的时候了。他的意思是北约是时候让他的国家进来了
1 年 前
Finland's Prime Minister @MarinSanna of the ruling Social Democratic Party conceded defeat on Sunday in a close-fought election for parliament
1 年 前
The bill on the approval of Finland's NATO accession protocol was accepted at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
1 年 前
Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
1 年 前
Finnish President Niinistö on Turkey's approval for NATO membership: This is very important news for all Finns. We thank you very much
1 年 前
Finnish President Niinistö to President Erdoğan: You are one of the very few people in the world who can talk to everyone. Maybe you are the only one doing this
President Erdoğan: We will continue our talks with Sweden on the basis of the alliance's principles and our approach in the fight against terrorism.1 年 前
President Erdoğan: We will continue our talks with Sweden on the basis of the alliance's principles and our approach in the fight against terrorism.
1 年 前
President Erdoğan: I believe that NATO will become stronger with Finland's membership and thus play an active role in maintaining global security and stability
1 年 前
President Erdoğan: Due to the sensitivity of eliminating our security concerns, we have decided to start the approval process of Finland's NATO accession protocol in our Parliament.
1 年 前
The Hungarian government has been postponing the vote for over six months. Both Orbán and the President have asked the MPs to approve the accession, but some MP's need more convincing
1 年 前
The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that talks with Finland and Sweden on joining NATO will resume on March 9 in Brussels
1 年 前
Blinken: NATO should expand and Finland and Sweden should join the alliance
1 年 前
Stoltenberg reiterates what he said at DefMin: "It's Turkey's decision alone." Cavusoglu says he does expect Erdogan to handle Finland's ratification separately from Sweden's. He acknowledges "positive steps" but says "Sweden's obligations have not been fully fulfilled
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership.   He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together1 年 前
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership. He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together
挪威将向乌克兰捐赠 8 架豹 2 和最多 4 架支援型(工程、桥接层、恢复),并拨款 2.5 亿挪威克朗用于备件和弹药
挪威政府为乌克兰提出了前所未有的一揽子支持计划:在 5 年(2023 年至 2027 年)内提供总额为 750 亿挪威克朗(68.3 亿欧元)的资金。计划每年支出约 150 亿挪威克朗1 年 前
挪威政府为乌克兰提出了前所未有的一揽子支持计划:在 5 年(2023 年至 2027 年)内提供总额为 750 亿挪威克朗(68.3 亿欧元)的资金。计划每年支出约 150 亿挪威克朗
1 年 前
Norway says to buy 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks, to replace older versions
泽伦斯基总统:衷心感谢瑞典政府和@SwedishPM 向乌克兰提供新的军事援助计划。 CV90 IFV、Archer 自行榴弹炮和 NLAW ATGM 是乌克兰军队从俄罗斯入侵者手中解放我们的土地所需的强大武器。携手共赢
Europe's largest rare earths deposit discovered in Sweden: mining firm
1 年 前
Sweden can't meet Turkey's demands for NATO bid: PM
Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
State Department announces new sale of fighter jet missiles to Finland: 40 AIM 9X Block IIs, 4 AIM 9X Block II tactical guidance units; and 48 AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapons, (JSOW)
NATO Secretary General: It's time for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance
NATO Sec Gen @jensstoltenberg addresses NATO PA: The time has come to finalize the accesion process of Finland and Sweden, they delivered all commitments