24 Luty 2025
1 rok temu
Rosja ogłasza pięciu pracowników szwedzkiej ambasady persona non grata – rosyjskie Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych
1 rok temu
W Helsinkach prezydent Ukrainy Zełenski spotkał się z prezydentem Finlandii Saulim Niinisto. W dalszej części dnia prezydenci wezmą udział w szczycie przywódców nordycko-ukraińskich, na którym obecni będą także premierzy Szwecji, Norwegii, Danii i Islandii.
Right now, production is down for the nuclear power reactors Forsmark 1 and 2. According to press manager Josef Nylén, it is the disturbance in Svenska Kraftnät that forced the reactors to shut down
Forsmark 1 and 2 have been disconnected. Frequency dip in Stockholm at Svenska Kraftnät's "control room" shows red
Szwecja wydala pięciu rosyjskich dyplomatów
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement1 rok temu
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: "The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement"
1 rok temu
Norway declares 15 intelligence officers working at Russia's embassy in Oslo personae non gratae:
“This has been the fastest accession process in NATO’s modern history,” @jensstoltenberg says at @NATO ceremony welcoming Finland to the alliance
Finlandia przystąpiła do NATO1 rok temu
Finlandia przystąpiła do NATO
Turkish Foreign Minister Cavasoglu hands @SecBlinken Turkey's ratification documents for Finland to join NATO. nnFinland is now in the alliance
Minister spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy @DmytroKuleba mówi, że przystąpienie Finlandii do NATO, nie do pomyślenia jeszcze dwa lata temu, pokazuje, że nadszedł czas, aby wszyscy ponownie rozważyli stare pojęcia o bezpieczeństwie. Ma na myśli, że nadszedł czas, aby NATO wpuściło jego kraj
1 rok temu
Kreml: przystąpienie Finlandii do NATO zmusi Rosję do podjęcia działań zaradczych w celu zapewnienia jej bezpieczeństwa
1 rok temu
Finland's Prime Minister @MarinSanna of the ruling Social Democratic Party conceded defeat on Sunday in a close-fought election for parliament
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The bill on the approval of Finland's NATO accession protocol was accepted at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
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Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
1 rok temu
Finnish President Niinistö on Turkey's approval for NATO membership: This is very important news for all Finns. We thank you very much
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Finnish President Niinistö to President Erdoğan: You are one of the very few people in the world who can talk to everyone. Maybe you are the only one doing this
President Erdoğan: We will continue our talks with Sweden on the basis of the alliance's principles and our approach in the fight against terrorism.1 rok temu
President Erdoğan: We will continue our talks with Sweden on the basis of the alliance's principles and our approach in the fight against terrorism.
1 rok temu
President Erdoğan: I believe that NATO will become stronger with Finland's membership and thus play an active role in maintaining global security and stability
1 rok temu
President Erdoğan: Due to the sensitivity of eliminating our security concerns, we have decided to start the approval process of Finland's NATO accession protocol in our Parliament.
Premier Finlandii Sanna Marin przebywa dziś z wizytą w Kijowie, wraz z prezydentem Zełenskim oddali hołd poległemu Bohaterowi Ukrainy Dmytro „Da Vinci Kotsyubaylo1 rok temu
Premier Finlandii Sanna Marin przebywa dziś z wizytą w Kijowie, wraz z prezydentem Zełenskim oddali hołd poległemu Bohaterowi Ukrainy Dmytro „Da Vinci" Kotsyubaylo
1 rok temu
The Hungarian government has been postponing the vote for over six months. Both Orbán and the President have asked the MPs to approve the accession, but some MP's need more convincing
1 rok temu
MSZ Turcji poinformował, że 9 marca w Brukseli zostaną wznowione rozmowy z Finlandią i Szwecją w sprawie ich dołączenia do NATO
2 rok temu
Blinken: NATO should expand and Finland and Sweden should join the alliance
2 rok temu
Stoltenberg reiterates what he said at DefMin: "It's Turkey's decision alone." Cavusoglu says he does expect Erdogan to handle Finland's ratification separately from Sweden's. He acknowledges "positive steps" but says "Sweden's obligations have not been fully fulfilled
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership.   He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together2 rok temu
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership. He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together
Norwegia przekaże Ukrainie 8 Leopardów 2 i do 4 wariantów wsparcia (inżynieria, układanie mostów, naprawa) oraz przeznaczy 250 mln NOK na części zamienne i amunicję
Norweski rząd proponuje bezprecedensowy pakiet wsparcia dla Ukrainy: łącznie 75 mld NOK (6,83 mld EUR) w ciągu 5 lat (2023–2027). Planowane roczne wypłaty w wysokości ok. 15 mld NOK2 rok temu
Norweski rząd proponuje bezprecedensowy pakiet wsparcia dla Ukrainy: łącznie 75 mld NOK (6,83 mld EUR) w ciągu 5 lat (2023–2027). Planowane roczne wypłaty w wysokości ok. 15 mld NOK
2 rok temu
Norway says to buy 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks, to replace older versions