5 Listopad 2024
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Train stops between Stockholm and Malmö after fire, according to P4
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Norveška zabranjuje ulazak automobilima s ruskim registarskim oznakama od utorka 3. listopada
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Sweden’s defence budget will increase $2bn next year to reach 2,1% of GDP and surpass NATO’s target
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The naval strike group of the Northern Fleet, consisting of the missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" and the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov", fired at sea targets during exercises in the Barents Sea and on the coast of the Kola Peninsula
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Rusko veleposlanstvo u Helsinkiju optužuje finske vlasti za pritvaranje ruskog državljanina na zahtjev Ukrajine
Premijer Finske Petteri Orpo boravi u posjetu Kijevu1 godine pre
Premijer Finske Petteri Orpo boravi u posjetu Kijevu
Power cut at Gothenburg's central station - trains stand still
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Predsjednik Zelenski stigao je u Dansku nakon posjeta Nizozemskoj
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Predsjednik Zelenski je u posjetu Švedskoj
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Sweden PM says country has averted planned attacks
Pro-Iranian militia in Iraq are now urging their followers to target Swedish citizens in Iraq, labeling them as "Supporters of Zionism”. Ash’ab al-Kahaf has issued a statement calling on its supporters to aim at Swedish interests & citizens in Iraq
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Biden: Ne mislim da bi rat mogao trajati godinama. Kaže da postoje 2 razloga za to: 1. ne misli da bi Rusija mogla održavati rat godinama s resursima/kapacitetom 2. Misli da će Putin na kraju odlučiti da nastavak rata nije u interesu Rusije, politički/ekonomski
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Bidena u Helsinkiju upitali su o ruskom ratu protiv Ukrajine: "Mislim da rat ne može trajati godinama", poziva na "pregovorno rješenje".
Glavni tajnik NATO-a: Članstvo Finske i Švedske u NATO-u jasna je poruka predsjedniku Putinu
Jens Stoltenberg: Drago mi je što mogu najaviti da je nakon sastanka koji sam bio domaćin s @RTErdogan i @SwedishPM, predsjednik Erdogan pristao proslijediti protokol o pristupanju Švedske Velikoj narodnoj skupštini što prije i osigurati ratifikaciju. Ovo je povijesni korak koji sve NATO saveznike čini jačim i sigurnijim
Sadr supporters are trying to storm the Sweden embassy in Baghdad after allowing the Quran to be burned
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Hungary's parliament postponed ratifying Sweden's NATO accession bid on Wednesday to its autumn legislative session, AP reports
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Shoigu: the formation of reserve armies of the Russian Armed Forces will be completed by the end of June
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Sweden will allow NATO to base troops on its soil even before it formally joins the alliance: "The preparations may consist of temporary basing of foreign equipment and personnel on Swedish territory. The decision sends a clear signal to Russia & strengthens Sweden's defence"
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Blinken: Radili smo na podršci Ukrajini i jačanju NATO-a nakon izbijanja rata
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Glavni tajnik NATO-a kaže da se svi saveznici slažu da će Ukrajina postati članica saveza, Rusija ne može staviti veto
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Rusija proglasila pet zaposlenika švedskog veleposlanstva personama non grata - rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
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U Helsinkiju se predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski sastao s predsjednikom Finske Saulijem Niinistom. Kasnije danas predsjednici će sudjelovati na summitu nordijsko-ukrajinskih čelnika na kojem će biti i premijeri Švedske, Norveške, Danske i Islanda.
Right now, production is down for the nuclear power reactors Forsmark 1 and 2. According to press manager Josef Nylén, it is the disturbance in Svenska Kraftnät that forced the reactors to shut down
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Forsmark 1 and 2 have been disconnected. Frequency dip in Stockholm at Svenska Kraftnät's "control room" shows red
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Švedska protjeruje pet ruskih diplomata
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement1 godine pre
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: "The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement"
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Norway declares 15 intelligence officers working at Russia's embassy in Oslo personae non gratae:
“This has been the fastest accession process in NATO’s modern history,” @jensstoltenberg says at @NATO ceremony welcoming Finland to the alliance
Finska je ušla u NATO1 godine pre
Finska je ušla u NATO