5 Listopad 2024
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Predsjednik Zelenski je u posjetu Švedskoj
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Sweden PM says country has averted planned attacks
Pro-Iranian militia in Iraq are now urging their followers to target Swedish citizens in Iraq, labeling them as "Supporters of Zionism”. Ash’ab al-Kahaf has issued a statement calling on its supporters to aim at Swedish interests & citizens in Iraq
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Biden: Ne mislim da bi rat mogao trajati godinama. Kaže da postoje 2 razloga za to: 1. ne misli da bi Rusija mogla održavati rat godinama s resursima/kapacitetom 2. Misli da će Putin na kraju odlučiti da nastavak rata nije u interesu Rusije, politički/ekonomski
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Bidena u Helsinkiju upitali su o ruskom ratu protiv Ukrajine: "Mislim da rat ne može trajati godinama", poziva na "pregovorno rješenje".
Glavni tajnik NATO-a: Članstvo Finske i Švedske u NATO-u jasna je poruka predsjedniku Putinu
Jens Stoltenberg: Drago mi je što mogu najaviti da je nakon sastanka koji sam bio domaćin s @RTErdogan i @SwedishPM, predsjednik Erdogan pristao proslijediti protokol o pristupanju Švedske Velikoj narodnoj skupštini što prije i osigurati ratifikaciju. Ovo je povijesni korak koji sve NATO saveznike čini jačim i sigurnijim
Sadr supporters are trying to storm the Sweden embassy in Baghdad after allowing the Quran to be burned
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Hungary's parliament postponed ratifying Sweden's NATO accession bid on Wednesday to its autumn legislative session, AP reports
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Shoigu: the formation of reserve armies of the Russian Armed Forces will be completed by the end of June
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Sweden will allow NATO to base troops on its soil even before it formally joins the alliance: "The preparations may consist of temporary basing of foreign equipment and personnel on Swedish territory. The decision sends a clear signal to Russia & strengthens Sweden's defence"
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Blinken: Radili smo na podršci Ukrajini i jačanju NATO-a nakon izbijanja rata
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Glavni tajnik NATO-a kaže da se svi saveznici slažu da će Ukrajina postati članica saveza, Rusija ne može staviti veto
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Rusija proglasila pet zaposlenika švedskog veleposlanstva personama non grata - rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
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U Helsinkiju se predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski sastao s predsjednikom Finske Saulijem Niinistom. Kasnije danas predsjednici će sudjelovati na summitu nordijsko-ukrajinskih čelnika na kojem će biti i premijeri Švedske, Norveške, Danske i Islanda.
Right now, production is down for the nuclear power reactors Forsmark 1 and 2. According to press manager Josef Nylén, it is the disturbance in Svenska Kraftnät that forced the reactors to shut down
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Forsmark 1 and 2 have been disconnected. Frequency dip in Stockholm at Svenska Kraftnät's "control room" shows red
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Švedska protjeruje pet ruskih diplomata
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement1 godine pre
The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: "The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement"
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Norway declares 15 intelligence officers working at Russia's embassy in Oslo personae non gratae:
“This has been the fastest accession process in NATO’s modern history,” @jensstoltenberg says at @NATO ceremony welcoming Finland to the alliance
Finska je ušla u NATO1 godine pre
Finska je ušla u NATO
Turkish Foreign Minister Cavasoglu hands @SecBlinken Turkey's ratification documents for Finland to join NATO. nnFinland is now in the alliance
Ukrajinski ministar vanjskih poslova @DmytroKuleba kaže da ulazak Finske u NATO, što je bilo nezamislivo čak i prije dvije godine, pokazuje da je vrijeme da svi preispitaju stare predodžbe o sigurnosti. On znači da je vrijeme da NATO pusti njegovu zemlju unutra
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Kremlj: Pristupanje Finske NATO-u prisilit će Rusiju da poduzme protumjere kako bi osigurala svoju sigurnost
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Finland's Prime Minister @MarinSanna of the ruling Social Democratic Party conceded defeat on Sunday in a close-fought election for parliament
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The bill on the approval of Finland's NATO accession protocol was accepted at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
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Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
FM @Haavisto: Good meeting with FM Szijjarto in Brussels. He confirmed that Hungary will approve Finland's NATO bid on 27 March. Thanked him for regular discussions throughout the process
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Finnish President Niinistö on Turkey's approval for NATO membership: This is very important news for all Finns. We thank you very much