Serokwezîrê Fînlandiyayê: Em ê niha tixûbên bi Rûsyayê re venekin ji ber ku metirsiya ji aliyê wê ve hê jî heye
Swedish police say the bomb squad will dispose of a suspicious object found near the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.
Finland has quietly filled its wartime stockpiles and is activating some of the so-called “production reservation agreements” which means that companies produce at the armed forces’ request what is needed for logistics
European Central Bank President: It is too early to discuss reducing interest rates
Orbán’s number two and parliament speaker László Kövér says that he himself opposes Sweden’s NATO accession and hints that Fidesz MPs won’t support the opposition’s proposal for an extraordinary parliamentary session on the ratification
The US Ambassador to Turkey: Erdogan may sign the ratification of Sweden's accession to NATO within a few days
9 month ago NATO CMC Bauer dibêje Serfermandarê Giştî yê Swêdê Micael Bydén "rast bû" ku hişyarî da welatiyên li wir ku "ji şer re amade bibin". Ew tekez dike ku tewra welatên di hundurê hevalbendiyê de jî hewce ne ku nêzîkatiya "tevahiya civakê" ya Nordîkî bipejirînin. Dibêje: "Ne diyar e ku em di nav aştiyê de ne
NATO plans to mobilize 90,000 soldiers for the biggest military exercise since the Cold War
Servîsa Ewlekarî û Îstîxbaratê ya Fînlandiyayê @Suojelupoliisi: Ajansên îstîxbarata Rûsî hin penaxwazan wekî sîxur digirin berî ku derbasî Fînlandiyayê bibin.
Norwegian Foreign Minister: We are working with some European Union countries, Arab countries, and the United States on the concept of a unified Palestinian government
10 month ago House now on fire in Grindavik, Iceland after lava flow from new volcano reached itn(screenshot from Reuters)
Norway: Migrants who came across the Russian border had been given espionage missions
Danish and French shipping companies announce the resumption of the passage of their ships in the Red Sea
10 month ago A volcano in southwest Iceland has erupted, spewing lava and smoke after weeks of intense seismic activity
A volcano dramatically erupted in Iceland on Monday, with spectacular bursts of lava and smoke illuminating the night sky after weeks of seismic activity prompted the evacuation of a nearby town
10 month ago A volcanic eruption started Monday night on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, turning the sky orange and prompting the country's civil defense to be on high alert
volcanic eruption on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula shows lava spewing into the air after a fissure opened up Monday.
Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted Monday after weeks of earthquake activity. Video shows thick smoke drifting into the sky above as lava spews from the volcano's mouth
10 month ago Volcano erupts on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula
10 month ago Moment volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland
10 month ago Finland and the United States have signed a mutual defence cooperation agreement (DCA) in Washington DC. A full circle as the defence material partnership that began in the 1990's in the post-Cold War world has now developed into an alliance
10 month ago Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis
Têkiliyên herî baş ên Federasyona Rûsyayê bi Fînlandiyayê re hebûn, û naha ew ê neçar bimîne ku yekîneyên leşkerî li Navçeya Leşkerî ya Lenîngradê kom bike - Putin
White House: Biden and Erdogan discussed the importance of strengthening NATO, including accepting Sweden as an ally
Wezîra Navxweyî ya Fînlandiyayê Mari Rantanen (ps.) piştrast dike ku dê sînorê bi Rûsyayê re bi tevahî were girtin. Hikûmet ragihand ku hikûmet dê îro di rûniştineke zêde de li ser sînordarkirina trafîka derveyî sînor gotûbêj bike
Israeli Mossad: after a long and extensive operation, with the help of security authorities in Denmark, 7 Hamas operatives were arrested. They were planning to attack Jewish and Israeli targets
11 month ago Serokomarê Ukraynayê Zelensky bi Serokwezîrê Îtalyayê Giorgia Meloni re bi telefonê axivî
Di lûtkeya duyemîn a Ukrayna-Bakurê Ewropayê ya li Osloyê de, serokwezîrên Danîmarka, Îzlanda, Norwêc û Swêdê û serokên Ukrayna û Fînlandiyayê daxuyaniyeke hevpar îmze kirin.
11 month ago Serokwezîrê Danîmarka Mette Frederiksen ragihand ku Danîmarka dê pakêtek nû ya alîkariyê bide Ukraynayê bi bihayê 1 mîlyar €, ku tê de cebilxane, tank û dron hene.
Zelensky: 'Dê bersivek' ji êrîşên Rûsyayê yên bi şev ên li ser Kîevê re bê dayîn." Rûsyayê careke din îspat kir ku ew welatek hovane ye ku bi şev mûşekan diavêje, di zivistanê de hewl dide ku li deverên niştecîbûnê, baxçeyên zarokan û tesîsên enerjiyê bixe." Serok Zelensky