Train stops between Stockholm and Malmö after fire, according to P4
Norwêc ji Sêşemê 3ê Cotmehê ve ketina otomobîlên bi plaqeya Rûsyayê qedexe dike
Sweden’s defence budget will increase $2bn next year to reach 2,1% of GDP and surpass NATO’s target
The naval strike group of the Northern Fleet, consisting of the missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" and the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov", fired at sea targets during exercises in the Barents Sea and on the coast of the Kola Peninsula
Balyozxaneya Rûsyayê ya li Helsînkî, rayedarên Fînlandiyayê bi binçavkirina welatiyekî Rûsyayê li ser daxwaza Ukraynayê sûcdar dike
1 year ago Serokwezîrê Fînlandiyayê Petteri Orpo li Kîevê ye
Power cut at Gothenburg's central station - trains stand still
Serokomar Zelensky piştî serdana xwe ya Hollandayê gihîşt Danîmarkayê
Serok Zelensky li Swêdê ye
Sweden PM says country has averted planned attacks
1 year ago Pro-Iranian militia in Iraq are now urging their followers to target Swedish citizens in Iraq, labeling them as "Supporters of Zionism”. Ash’ab al-Kahaf has issued a statement calling on its supporters to aim at Swedish interests & citizens in Iraq
Biden: Ez bawer nakim ku şer bi salan berdewam bike. Dibêje 2 sedemên wê hene: 1. nafikire ku Rûsya dikare bi salan bi çavkanî/kapasîteyên şer bidomîne 2. Difikire ku Pûtîn di dawiyê de biryarê bide ku ew ne di berjewendiya Rûsyayê de ye, ji hêla siyasî/aborî ve, ku şer berdewam bike.
Biden li Helsînkî derbarê şerê Rûsyayê yê li ser Ukraynayê de hat pirsîn: "Ez nafikirim ku şer bi salan bidome", banga "çareseriyek bi danûstandinan" dike.
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê: Endambûna Fînlandiya û Swêdê di NATOyê de ji Serok Pûtîn re peyameke zelal e
1 year ago Jens Stoltenberg: Bi kêfxweşî radigihînim ku piştî hevdîtina ku min bi @RTerdogan û SwedishPM re kir, Serokomar Erdogan qebûl kir ku protokola tevlêbûna Swêdê di demek kurt de ji Meclîsa Neteweyî ya Mezin re bişîne û piştrast bike ku were pejirandin. Ev gaveke dîrokî ye ku hemû hevalbendên NATOyê bihêztir û ewletir dike
1 year ago Sadr supporters are trying to storm the Sweden embassy in Baghdad after allowing the Quran to be burned
Hungary's parliament postponed ratifying Sweden's NATO accession bid on Wednesday to its autumn legislative session, AP reports
Shoigu: the formation of reserve armies of the Russian Armed Forces will be completed by the end of June
Sweden will allow NATO to base troops on its soil even before it formally joins the alliance: "The preparations may consist of temporary basing of foreign equipment and personnel on Swedish territory. The decision sends a clear signal to Russia & strengthens Sweden's defence"
Blinken: Me ji bo piştgirîkirina Ukrayna û bihêzkirina NATOyê piştî şer dest pê kir xebitî
Sekreterê Giştî yê NATOyê dibêje, hemû hevalbend razî ne ku Ukrayna bibe endama hevpeymaniyê, Rûsya nikare wê veto bike
Wezareta Karên Derve ya Rûsyayê 5 xebatkarên Balyozxaneya Swêd wek persona non grata îlan kir
Serokê Ukrayna Zelensky li Helsînkî bi Serokkomarê Fînlandiyayê Sauli Niinisto re hevdîtin kir. Îro piştî nîvro, serok dê beşdarî lûtkeya rêberên Nordic-Ukrayna bibin û serokwezîrên Swêd, Norwêc, Danîmarka û Îzlandayê jî tê de amade bin.
Right now, production is down for the nuclear power reactors Forsmark 1 and 2. According to press manager Josef Nylén, it is the disturbance in Svenska Kraftnät that forced the reactors to shut down
Forsmark 1 and 2 have been disconnected. Frequency dip in Stockholm at Svenska Kraftnät's "control room" shows red
Swêd 5 dîplomatên rûsî dersînor dike
1 year ago The Norwegian Joint Headquarters confirms that a Norwegian P-8 was identified by a Russian fighter over the Barents Sea yesterday: "The identification was conducted in a safe and professional manner, in accordance with the Incident at Sea agreement"
Norway declares 15 intelligence officers working at Russia's embassy in Oslo personae non gratae:
“This has been the fastest accession process in NATO’s modern history,” @jensstoltenberg says at @NATO ceremony welcoming Finland to the alliance
1 year ago Fînlandiya tevlî NATO bû