Ryska federationen hade de bästa förbindelserna med Finland, och nu måste de samla militära enheter i Leningrads militärdistrikt - Putin
White House: Biden and Erdogan discussed the importance of strengthening NATO, including accepting Sweden as an ally
Finlands inrikesminister Mari Rantanen (ps.) bekräftar att gränsen mot Ryssland kommer att stängas helt. Regeringen meddelar att regeringen kommer att diskutera begränsningar av gränstrafiken i en extra session idag
Israeli Mossad: after a long and extensive operation, with the help of security authorities in Denmark, 7 Hamas operatives were arrested. They were planning to attack Jewish and Israeli targets
1 år sedanUkrainas president Zelenskij höll ett telefonsamtal med Italiens premiärminister Giorgia Meloni
Vid det andra toppmötet mellan Ukraina och Nordeuropa i Oslo undertecknade Danmarks, Islands, Norges och Sveriges premiärministrar samt Ukrainas och Finlands presidenter ett gemensamt uttalande
1 år sedanDanmark kommer att tilldela ett nytt hjälppaket till Ukraina värt 1 miljard euro, vilket kommer att innehålla ammunition, stridsvagnar och drönare, rapporterade Danmarks premiärminister Mette Frederiksen
Zelensky: "Det kommer att finnas svar" på ryska attacker mot Kyiv över natten." Ryssland har ännu en gång bevisat att det är ett avskyvärt land som skjuter missiler på natten och försöker träffa bostadsområden, dagis och energianläggningar under vintern", sade Zelensky. President Zelensky
The French Ministry of the Armed Forces: A French frigate intercepted and destroyed a drone targeting the Norwegian tanker Strinda in the Red Sea.
Norwegian Shipping Association: The attack on the tanker Strinda is a dangerous and unacceptable development in the security situation for civilian shipping in the Red Sea
1 år sedanIdag lanserade Storbritanniens och Norges försvarsministrar en ny koalition för sjöfartskapacitet, för att hjälpa Ukraina att omvandla sin flotta, göra den mer kompatibel med västliga allierade, mer interoperabel med @NATO och stärka säkerheten i Svarta havet:
Finland has decided to close its entire 1300km (800 mile) eastern border until December 13th as a result of the influx of asulym seakers from Russia
Finnish Prime Minister: It would be beneficial for Russia to return to what the situation was like on the border between Finland and Russia before
Finland to shut more border stations if migration continues says PM
The Prime Minister of Finland said that the country's government discussed the situation on the border with Moscow through diplomatic channels, the negotiations "did not lead to any results"
1 år sedanTurkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting
1 år sedanFinland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is "instrumentalized immigration" facilitated by Russia
The Israeli Ministry of Defense announces the signing of an agreement to sell the "David's Sling" air defense missile system to Finland
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 20 km S of Glomfjord, Norway
On October 25, the Ambassador of Finland was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and was informed of the termination of the agreement on cross-border cooperation.
1 år sedanSwAF JAS 39 Gripen fighters, @usairforce B-1B Lancer bombers and Danish F-16 (not pictured) trained together on Tuesday. Exercise scenario involved defending the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. Photos: 172:a stridsflygdivision, Flygvapnet NATO
1 år sedanFirst picture of the damaged balticconector pipeline. Source Finnish border guard. Drag westwards pipeline multiple meters wide
Finnish police: object found near broken Baltic Sea pipeline has been identified as an anchor
Sweden PM says he doesn't set any dates for his country's NATO entry and that he got assurances that Hungary won't delay the process
Ministry of Defence of Sweden: It has been confirmed that the telecommunications cable between Sweden and Estonia was damaged through external force or tampering. NATO has increased their presence in the Baltic Sea by deploying a minesweeping vessel and increased air surveillance
Sveriges NATO-protokoll undertecknades av president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan och skickades till Turkiets stora nationalförsamling
One arrested after the explosion in southern Stockholm
Swedish Foreign Ministry: What is important at this stage is the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip
1 år sedanFinnish police: Baltic sea pipeline investigation is now focused on the role of the vessel Newpolar Bear
Russian Foreign Minister Shoigu: it is possible that NATO bases and strike weapons will appear in Finland and Sweden in the near future