5 Juli 2024
5 månad sedan
Norwegian Foreign Minister: We are working with some European Union countries, Arab countries, and the United States on the concept of a unified Palestinian government
House now on fire in Grindavik, Iceland after lava flow from new volcano reached itn(screenshot from Reuters)5 månad sedan
House now on fire in Grindavik, Iceland after lava flow from new volcano reached itn(screenshot from Reuters)
6 månad sedan
Norway: Migrants who came across the Russian border had been given espionage missions
6 månad sedan
Danish and French shipping companies announce the resumption of the passage of their ships in the Red Sea
A volcano in southwest Iceland has erupted, spewing lava and smoke after weeks of intense seismic activity6 månad sedan
A volcano in southwest Iceland has erupted, spewing lava and smoke after weeks of intense seismic activity
6 månad sedan
A volcano dramatically erupted in Iceland on Monday, with spectacular bursts of lava and smoke illuminating the night sky after weeks of seismic activity prompted the evacuation of a nearby town
A volcanic eruption started Monday night on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, turning the sky orange and prompting the country's civil defense to be on high alert6 månad sedan
A volcanic eruption started Monday night on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula, turning the sky orange and prompting the country's civil defense to be on high alert
6 månad sedan
volcanic eruption on Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula shows lava spewing into the air after a fissure opened up Monday.
6 månad sedan
Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted Monday after weeks of earthquake activity. Video shows thick smoke drifting into the sky above as lava spews from the volcano's mouth
Volcano erupts on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula6 månad sedan
Volcano erupts on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula
Moment volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland6 månad sedan
Moment volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland
Finland and the United States have signed a mutual defence cooperation agreement (DCA) in Washington DC. A full circle as the defence material partnership that began in the 1990's in the post-Cold War world has now developed into an alliance
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis6 månad sedan
Polish Border Guard officers participate in the @Frontex operation in Finland. Due to the season and weather conditions, they patrol the Finnish-Russian border primarily on snowmobiles and on skis
6 månad sedan
Ryska federationen hade de bästa förbindelserna med Finland, och nu måste de samla militära enheter i Leningrads militärdistrikt - Putin
White House: Biden and Erdogan discussed the importance of strengthening NATO, including accepting Sweden as an ally
6 månad sedan
Finlands inrikesminister Mari Rantanen (ps.) bekräftar att gränsen mot Ryssland kommer att stängas helt. Regeringen meddelar att regeringen kommer att diskutera begränsningar av gränstrafiken i en extra session idag
6 månad sedan
Israeli Mossad: after a long and extensive operation, with the help of security authorities in Denmark, 7 Hamas operatives were arrested. They were planning to attack Jewish and Israeli targets
Ukrainas president Zelenskij höll ett telefonsamtal med Italiens premiärminister Giorgia Meloni6 månad sedan
Ukrainas president Zelenskij höll ett telefonsamtal med Italiens premiärminister Giorgia Meloni
6 månad sedan
Vid det andra toppmötet mellan Ukraina och Nordeuropa i Oslo undertecknade Danmarks, Islands, Norges och Sveriges premiärministrar samt Ukrainas och Finlands presidenter ett gemensamt uttalande
Danmark kommer att tilldela ett nytt hjälppaket till Ukraina värt 1 miljard euro, vilket kommer att innehålla ammunition, stridsvagnar och drönare, rapporterade Danmarks premiärminister Mette Frederiksen6 månad sedan
Danmark kommer att tilldela ett nytt hjälppaket till Ukraina värt 1 miljard euro, vilket kommer att innehålla ammunition, stridsvagnar och drönare, rapporterade Danmarks premiärminister Mette Frederiksen
6 månad sedan
Zelensky: "Det kommer att finnas svar" på ryska attacker mot Kyiv över natten." Ryssland har ännu en gång bevisat att det är ett avskyvärt land som skjuter missiler på natten och försöker träffa bostadsområden, dagis och energianläggningar under vintern", sade Zelensky. President Zelensky
6 månad sedan
The French Ministry of the Armed Forces: A French frigate intercepted and destroyed a drone targeting the Norwegian tanker Strinda in the Red Sea.
6 månad sedan
Norwegian Shipping Association: The attack on the tanker Strinda is a dangerous and unacceptable development in the security situation for civilian shipping in the Red Sea
Idag lanserade Storbritanniens och Norges försvarsministrar en ny koalition för sjöfartskapacitet, för att hjälpa Ukraina att omvandla sin flotta, göra den mer kompatibel med västliga allierade, mer interoperabel med @NATO och stärka säkerheten i Svarta havet:6 månad sedan
Idag lanserade Storbritanniens och Norges försvarsministrar en ny koalition för sjöfartskapacitet, för att hjälpa Ukraina att omvandla sin flotta, göra den mer kompatibel med västliga allierade, mer interoperabel med @NATO och stärka säkerheten i Svarta havet:
7 månad sedan
Finland has decided to close its entire 1300km (800 mile) eastern border until December 13th as a result of the influx of asulym seakers from Russia
7 månad sedan
Finnish Prime Minister: It would be beneficial for Russia to return to what the situation was like on the border between Finland and Russia before
7 månad sedan
Finland to shut more border stations if migration continues says PM
7 månad sedan
The Prime Minister of Finland said that the country's government discussed the situation on the border with Moscow through diplomatic channels, the negotiations "did not lead to any results"
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting7 månad sedan
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is instrumentalized immigration facilitated by Russia7 månad sedan
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is "instrumentalized immigration" facilitated by Russia