2 godine preNATO saveznici i partneri rade sve bliže u finskom zračnom prostoru. RAF F-35 lete s finskim F-18
"We are prepared for all eventualities," Stoltenberg says, addressing President Putin's comments that Russia will respond "in kind" if troops, infrastructure are deployed in Finland, Sweden. The Accession Protocol to be formally signed Tuesday, he says
2 godine preThe formal signing of the accession protocols for Finland and Sweden to join NATO will happen Tuesday
Baltic Fleet press-release: The Steregushchiy-class corvette Soobrazitelny has reportedly conducted a SAM live-firing against 2 x target missiles fired by the Nanuchka-class Passat and the Steregushchiy-class corvette Stoikiy
Polish President: The permanent presence of the US Army in our country increases our security a lot
President Duda: NATO's unity regarding the membership of Finland and Sweden was preserved; is a historic event. It is a fundamental decision for Poland
NATO leaders formally invite Finland and Sweden to join alliance - statement
2 godine preSecretary Antony Blinken:Met with Finnish and Swedish Foreign Ministers @Haavisto and @AnnLinde to commend their trilateral agreement with Turkey and reiterate our strong support for their NATO accession. We also reaffirmed the need for robust assistance to Ukraine against the Kremlin's brutal war
A number of private and public institutions in Norway have been subjected to a so-called distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) cyberattack in the last 24 hours, the Norwegian NSM security authority said
Kosachev, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee - Federation Council, claims Norway is violating the Svalbard Treaty by stopping goods bound for Svalbard at the land-border.
Russia accuses Norway of blocking the passage of trucks to the Svalbard region
Turska traži izručenje 33 osumnjičenika za 'teror' iz Finske i Švedske u skladu s sporazumom NATO-a: ministar pravosuđa
"In light of the progress we have made together, Turkey has agreed to support Finland & Sweden joining NATO" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg
This includes further amending their domestic legislation, cracking down on PKK activities & entering into an agreement with Turkey on extradition" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg
The newly signed memorandum "addresses Turkey's concerns around arms exports & the fight against terrorism" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg. "No ally has suffered more brutal terrorist attacks than Turkey, including from the terrorist group PKK"
The leaders of Turkey, Sweden & Finland have just signed a memorandum for the two Nordic states to join NATO, removing a Turkish block to the accession process, a source said. "It's a three-way agreement on accession," the source said. @jensstoltenberg to make statement
.@NATO SecGen @jensstoltenberg najavljuje Memorandum između Turske, Švedske i Finske: "Drago mi je što mogu najaviti da sada imamo sporazum koji otvara put Finskoj i Švedskoj za ulazak u NATO"
Norveška uskraćuje ruski tranzit tereta na Svalbard od 15. lipnja
2 godine preČelnici Turske, Finske i Švedske prihvatili su ponudu šefa NATO-a Stoltenberga da se sastanu sutra u Madridu, kaže on. Švedski premijer Andersson danas se sastaje s njim u sjedištu NATO-a. Stoltenberg ipak kaže da "neće davati nikakva obećanja" blokada Ankare može se riješiti ovog tjedna
NATO Secretary General: We are working to address Turkey's concerns about the accession of Finland and Sweden
The Turkish President tells the Swedish Prime Minister by phone that his country is waiting for Stockholm to lift the arms embargo imposed on Ankara
Norway Security Services say Oslo shooting was Islamist terror attack
Norwegian police say multiple people have been shot at a nightclub in Oslo
Rusko vijeće sigurnosti: Ojačat ćemo zaštitu naših granica u svjetlu novih prijetnji poput mogućnosti ulaska Finske i Švedske u NATO
Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said in a statement after the meeting with Turkey, Finland and Sweden in Belgium, "Terrorist organizations such as PKK and FETO must end their activities in Sweden and Finland."
Dansko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova priopćilo je da je ruski ratni brod ušao u teritorijalne vode kraljevstva
Ministarstvo obrane Norveške: Norveška je donirala Ukrajini 22 gusjeničarske samohodne haubice M109 155 mm. Donacija također uključuje opremu, rezervne dijelove i streljivo. - Ovo je značajan doprinos koji je jako tražen u Ukrajini, kaže @Bjornarildgram
Ministar vanjskih poslova Švedske: Švedska će Ukrajini poslati protubrodske projektile, protutenkovsko oružje i puške kalibra 12,7 mm, uključujući streljivo. Ovaj četvrti paket potpore također uključuje financijski doprinos ukrajinskim oružanim snagama. Ukupan iznos uključuje više od 95 milijuna eura. Rat Rusije protiv Ukrajine mora prestati
Denmark voted 'yes' to join EU joint defence policy, Danish PM says
2 godine pre"Ovo su odvojena pitanja", kaže @SecBlinken o slanju borbenih zrakoplova u Tursku i njihovom uključivanju u članstvo Finske i Švedske u NATO-u